Hazelhurst Farm

Welcome to our Community Consultation


Peel L&P, and its house building arm, Northstone, are bringing forward plans for up to 450 new homes including affordable homes to deliver a sustainable community on land at Hazelhurst Farm.

Peel L&P is one of the UK’s leading developers in residential schemes and has delivered transformational developments across Greater Manchester, including, MediaCity.

Peel L&P and Northstone understand that we have a significant role to play in delivering sustainable, high-quality homes which cater to the needs of the growing population in Greater Manchester. As a responsible business, we recognise that we have an opportunity and responsibility through our activities to create exemplar sustainable developments that maximise social benefits, provide affordable homes and enhance the environment for the entire community.

The Land at Hazelhurst Farm is proposed to be allocated in the emerging Places for Everyone Plan (PfE) for Greater Manchester. The plan will guide the delivery of new homes over the next 15 years. 

At each stage of the preparation of Places for Everyone, Salford City Council has acknowledged this site can contribute to meeting the city’s Local Housing Need target and providing family housing. PfE has been subject to a number of rounds of public consultation and the version that the Combined Greater Manchester Authorities would like to adopt has now been submitted to the Secretary of State for Public Examination.

Our community consultation and this website are separate to the PfE process and the consultations that have taken place on PfE by the Greater Manchester Combined Authority.  Through this consultation, we are seeking your early views on our vision for the land at Hazelhurst Farm to assist us as we progress our masterplan for the site.

Please take the time to read through the information available and let us know your views. All feedback will be considered in detail and will help inform the development of the proposals.

Register for our Webinar  

As part of the consultation, we are hosting:  

Two webinars – online sessions where the project team will talk you through our plans and answer any questions you might have.  

You can register for the webinars by clicking on your preferred date below:  

Wednesday 8th June – 12:30pm to 1.30pm 

Monday 13th June – 6:30pm to 7:30pm

A public drop-in event where you can talk with the project team face-to-face and ask questions.  

The public drop-in event is scheduled from 2.30pm until 7.30pm Thursday 9th June. The event will be held at:

The Brackley Conservative Club, 1 Hazelhurst Fold, M28 2JU

There is no requirement to register for the exhibition, just drop-in!  

The Site

The land at Hazelhurst Farm is located to the east of Worsley / Hazelhurst area of Salford, close to Junction 13 of the M60 Motorway. It is surrounded by existing residential communities to the south and west and the M60 and A580 to the north and east.  

Worsley Woods forms the western portion of the site.  

The entirety of the site is currently located within the Green Belt.  PfE proposes to remove the majority of the site from the Green Belt and allocate it for new homes.  A small area of the northern part of the site, immediately adjacent to the A580 East Lancashire Road will remain in the Green Belt.  Whilst this area of the site is included within our masterplan, our vision for the site acknowledges that this area will remain in the Green Belt and does not show any development taking place on that part of the site.  We are considering how to make the most beneficial use of that area of retained Green Belt, with the masterplan showing that area potentially being used as playing fields / open space.

 The site therefore forms a logical infill development to Hazelhurst due to it’s physical separation from the remaining green areas by the existing road infrastructure.  

Our Vision

Hazelhurst Farm will provide a high-quality and sustainable residential community. It will provide much-needed homes integrated with community green spaces and infrastructure, including a primary school site.  


The development will create a socially inclusive community that provides homes to meet the needs of local people at all stages of life.  

The proposals will deliver high quality, sustainable new homes in a variety of styles and sizes to meet local housing needs including: 

  • Affordable homes 
  • Homes for first time buyers   
  • Medium-sized and larger family homes  
  • Homes suitable for those looking to downsize. 


The development will preserve and enhance existing natural assets and wildlife within the site, including Worsley Woods. The masterplan also includes attractive new green spaces and play areas throughout the site, to support healthy living opportunities for new and existing residents.   


The new neighbourhood would be well connected to the wider community through new and improved footpaths and cycle routes through green spaces and areas for children to play. Additionally, with the existing local transport connections, the site will have unrivalled connectivity, making it a great place to live, work and play.   

The land at Hazelhurst Farm will promote healthy and sustainable travel by connecting the site, and the wider community, to sustainable transport opportunities, such as the new footpath to Wardley Vantage Bus Park and Ride on the A580. The footpath would offer access to the Park and Ride in less the 15 minutes walk.  


Hazelhurst Farm will be a place for families to live, with a number of play spaces for children and land for a new two-form entry primary school. This will ensure the development caters for the needs of residents of all ages. 


We have created a masterplan for the entire site that will deliver up to 450 new homes, attractive green and open space and enhanced walking and cycling infrastructure. Additionally, vehicle access will be dispersed throughout the road network as the development will be accessed  from Cartmel Grove, Hazelhall Close and Richmond Drive.

Our masterplan has given careful consideration to the existing natural and environmental features (woodland and water features) on the site to create a development which respects these features and offers a wide range of new homes and spaces for future residents and visitors.

The vision includes areas for ecological improvement and woodland restoration, as well as park spaces for recreational activities.

Housing Mix

The masterplan includes the provision of up to 450 homes of a variety of sizes. The main focus for the development is the provision of two to six bedroom family homes, but smaller homes including a small number of apartments are also proposed to cater for the needs of first time buyers and downsizers.

The first phase of development will bring forward 150 homes and later phases will bring forward the remaining 300 homes. The housing mix of later phases of development will remain flexible until those phases come forward.  This will enable the later phases to respond to the prevailing housing needs at that time. 

A policy compliant level of affordable housing is proposed through a mixture of on-site affordable housing provision and financial contributions towards off-site provision in other areas of Salford. Discussions are still ongoing with Salford City Council regarding the amount of affordable housing that would be provided on site and the amount that would be provided off-site.  

We welcome your views through this consultation on whether affordable housing should be provided on site or whether it should be delivered elsewhere in Salford. 


Peel L&P is one of the UK’s leading developers. It has a specialist team with a proven track record in bringing forward major development proposals that range from high density mixed-use developments on complex brownfield sites to major sustainable urban extensions.

Peel, in partnership with our housebuilding arm, Northstone, has developed a vision for the site. Peel owns the land at Hazelhurst Farm and promoted the site during consultations on Places for Everyone. 

Peel L&P will perform the role of master developer, which will ensure that the entire development is delivered coherently. Northstone will be responsible for the delivery and construction of the first phase, setting a precedent for sustainable, high-quality homes which reflect and complement the existing local housing offer. Future phases of development will be delivered by other housebuilder partners.

About Northstone

Building a more neighbourly world

We don’t just build houses. We create homes, exceptional spaces, and new communities where families love, grow and thrive.

We’re part of Peel L&P. That means that we’re passionate about our heritage in the North and proud to be a part of a company that has been transforming the region and enhancing people’s lives for over 40 years.

At Northstone, we innovate, adapt and regenerate spaces and places. We create sustainable, energy-efficient homes in community-focused spaces that shape the future of living.

Our ethos

We live for that feeling when you step through your door and into your own personal sanctuary. The contentment of a comfortable and relaxing space that works for you and your family.

We want our unique and intuitive design features to surprise you at first and then make you question how you ever did without them, while our spaces will delight, showcase the natural world, and encourage community.

Our homes provide open-plan, uncluttered spaces featuring clever storage solutions to maximise living areas

We are proud to showcase our design expertise with full length double and triple glazed velfac windows, high end integrated kitchen appliances , and an intelligent homes system.

Our team have ensured the highest possible specifications throughout and provided unique and intuitive design features which we think you’ll love.

You can hear Design director, Richard O’Brien, explain a little more about what makes Northstone homes unique here.  

Building Sustainable Communities

As a newly established company, Northstone intend to stay ahead of the game but also understand that we have a social and moral responsibility to create sustainable communities for the residents of our new neighbourhoods now and in the future. This is why we embed sustainability into every stage of our development process.

We aim to future-proof the communities we create. Northstone homes also exceed standard energy-efficiency requirements by providing household technology that is proven to lower energy bills.  These energy-efficient windows and doors, heat-save technology, intelligent heating systems, waste-limiting building specifications and all of our homes are EV charging point ready. In addition, the homes will use a pioneering intelligent full home automation system, Wondrwall, a Showersave waste water heat recovery system, triple glazing as standard and all homes will come with hyper-fast grain broadband guaranteed from move-in day.

Phase One

Phase one of the development will include 150 homes, delivered by Northstone on the south west part of the site. The proposed layout of this phase has been designed to protect the existing residential community and natural assets as much as possible. The layout includes an area of landscaping and ponds to provide a buffer between the new homes and the existing homes to the south of the site.  Development would also be set back from the edge of Worsley Woods to minimise disturbance to wildlife. 

The development would include a mix of two to six bedroom homes, with a focus on three and four bedroom family homes. The design of the homes will include a variety of two storey detached homes, semi-detached homes, townhouses and a small number of apartments. All homes will benefit from gardens and off-street parking in driveways or parking courtyards.  

Additionally, we are currently in discussions with Salford City Council, about 20% of these homes (30 homes) being affordable. The affordable homes would range from two to four bedrooms, would be the same design as the market homes and will be dotted throughout the development to ensure a cohesive and integrated community.  

This first phase of development will include the delivery of: 

  • The village green with children play space; 
  • The southern section of the linear park which will contain areas for play and informal recreation and landscape features; and  
  • Improvements to the Salford Trail through the phase one area and improvements to the surfacing of the footpath and additional planting along its route. 


The early delivery of this infrastructure would ensure that it is available for use by the entire community at an early stage of the development. 

During the build out phase, construction traffic would avoid the existing residential roads by accessing the site off of the A580 via Richmond Drive. Once completed, vehicular access to phase one would be from Cartmel Grove, and roads within the development would be pedestrian friendly though the provision of traffic calming measures to slow vehicle speeds. 

Landscaping Strategy

The vision for the development is underpinned by a comprehensive landscape strategy. The existing woodland and network of hedgerows will be retained and used to create a lush green development. New open spaces will be created including a linear park and village green, for the new and existing community to enjoy.

The landscape vision is guided by the following design principles:  

Sensitive edges: 

  • The development will respect the surrounding settlement, retaining all trees and hedgerows along the field boundaries and enhancing these where possible. A landscape buffer will be provided adjacent to the A580 and along boundaries with neighbouring residential dwellings 
  • Integrating existing public rights of way such as the Salford Trail into the masterplan and incorporating strong planting will connect the development to its surroundings, providing sustainability and well-being benefits to new and existing residents.   

Ecological enhancements: 

  • Worsley Woods Site of Biological Interest (SBI) and the existing hedgerows are key ecological assets that will be retained, enhanced and protected.  
  • The proposals will control access to Worsley Woods and improve footpath links which will enable the environment of the SBI to restore.
  • Achieve at least 10% Biodiversity Net Gain and enhance ecological features across the site to achieve this.  
  • These activities will enhance the biodiversity of the site and restore an important local ecological asset. 

Integration of a multi-functional network of public open space: 

  • Worsley Woods will include upgraded footpaths, formalising public access to a wider area of the woodland with education and recreation opportunities.  
  • The first phase of development will incorporate a series of parks and landscaped squares setting a precedent for the inclusion of public open spaces throughout later phases of the development. 
  • A village green is proposed for the central area of the site, providing an attractive focal point.   
  • A linear park or green corridor will run through the site from south-west to the north-east, providing an attractive walking and recreation route through the site.   
  • A formal play area will be provided near the village green with play equipment for children of different ages. 

The design will retain the best of the site’s existing features, landscape character and local context. It will respond to the issues of ecology, access, landscape, and drainage to create a multi-functional landscape to benefit the existing and new community.  

A Sustainable Community  

The COVID-19 pandemic and climate crisis have demonstrated the importance of having communities where residents can live, work and play. Our proposals offer a sustainable, well-designed community incorporating several fundamental principles that have been brought to the forefront during the last few years. These include: 

  • Sustainable transport 
    • Supporting walking and cycling with enhanced footpaths and cycleways. Including a new footpath to the Park and Ride and connecting the cycleway to Route 55 of the cycle network.
    • Quick access to high quality, frequent, direct links to employment, leisure and retail access to Manchester City Centre and the Trafford Centre via the bus network accessible within a 15 minute walk.
  • Adaptable homes for future living 
    • Providing homes that can adapt to changing needs of owners over time and with flexible spaces that would allow for home-working  
  • Carbon footprint conscious 
    • Making cycling and walking the natural choice for travel. 
  • Access to green space  
    • Retaining natural assets such as Worsley Woods 
    • Provide a comprehensive network of green spaces throughout the site and connecting to existing green spaces in the surrounding area 
  • Protect people’s health & wellbeing 
    • Providing opportunities to socialise safely and feel part of the community. 

Site Opportunities and Constraints 

Key technical and environmental opportunities and constraints have been identified in preparing the masterplan for the site. These include: 

Site Constraints  

  • Existing woodland/SBI to the west of the site 
  • Hedgerows within the site. 
  • Existing water features to the north west of the site. 
  • A580 borders the site to the north. 
Click to enlarge

Site Opportunities  

  • Access to key transport routes, including the A580 East Lancashire Road. 
  • Connections to local bus services and Park and Ride. 
  • Improvements to footpaths and cycleway links, connections to Route 55 of the National Cycle Network and nearby local centres. 
  • A relatively flat site.
  • Links to wider green networks, including new and enhanced links to and management of the Worsley Woods Site of Biological Importance (SBI). 
  • Retention and protection of the existing trees, hedgerows, and other habitats.  
  • Provision of new multi-functional on-site green spaces that improve habitats and ecology through new wildlife corridors, planting and water bodies and offer opportunities for recreation. 
  • Delivery of a comprehensive Sustainable Urban Drainage Scheme (SuDS). 
  • Provision of land for a two-form primary school. 
  • Numerous points of access from the surrounding highways network.  

Site Considerations

The masterplan has been informed by a range of technical assessments to confirm the suitability of the site for the proposed development. These assessments have identified that:  

  • There are no significant constraints to development at the site which cannot be addressed through careful masterplanning and mitigation measures.   
  • The site provides significant opportunities to create a high-quality residential neighbourhood, whilst protecting local environmental and recreational assets.  

Below is a summary of our assessments to date:  




Public Transport  

Hazelhurst Farm provides the opportunity to deliver new homes with access to a wide range of sustainable travel choices, minimising reliance on private cars.  

The site is located in walking distance of local bus services, offering new and existing residents access to a wide range of sustainable travel choices. 

The new pedestrian link to the Wardley Vantage Bus Park and Ride on the A580 provides access to high quality, frequent, direct links to employment, leisure and retail services within Manchester City Centre. The footpath would offer access to the park and ride in less than 15 minutes walk.  

Pedestrian and Cycle Access 

The existing network of footpaths and cycle routes will be maintained and enhanced making them more attractive and user-friendly to encourage sustainable travel.   

The development will improve the network by incorporating landscape enhancements to the Salford Trail, an existing public right of way, and connect the wider pedestrian network and residential areas to the east with Worsley Woods (via Greenleach Lane).  

The upgrade of cycle routes will connect the site to Route 55 of the National Cycle Network, further promoting sustainable transport travel for existing and future residents.  

Vehicle Access 

Vehicular access to the site will be taken from 3 locations, Cartmel Grove and Hazelhall Close to the south. Cartmel Grove will serve the first phase of development and Hazelhall Close serving later phases. 

Access will also be taken from Richmond Drive to the north east. Whilst there will be through-access through the development, these access points will primarily serve different parts of the development which will enable traffic to disperse throughout the local highway network.  

The access arrangements for the first phase of development are shown below:   


Natural Environment 

Habitat and species surveys have been carried out across the site.  

Worsley Woods will be retained and enhanced through bespoke management techniques to improve its biodiversity value. Opportunities for recreational use of the Woods are also being explored, whilst remaining sympathetic to the ecological assets of the site and ensuring that these are preserved and not adversely impacted upon through inappropriate use of the area. Currently there is extensive informal use of the woodland, and through the formalisation of footpaths through the site and other enhancements, such as information boards and educational features the rest of the woodlands can be restored, and its ecological value will improve over time.  

Existing hedgerows within the site are also proposed to be retained, and existing public rights of way improved to enhance local connectivity. 

Key features of the woodland management plan include: 

  • Formalisation of footpaths through the woods to prevent public access to areas of ecological importance. 
  • Construction of footpaths through ‘no-dig’ methods to prevent adverse impacts. 
  • Introduction of notice boards with information about the ecological features and habitats of the woodland to encourage users to respect the area and seek to protect it.  
  • Retention of a buffer along the woodland edge to further protect the woodland habitat and ecological features.  
  • Achieve at least 10% Biodiversity Net Gain and enhance ecological features across the site to achieve this. 


Natural Capital  

Natural capital is a new concept that we are exploring so we can deliver on our commitment to sustainable development. Alongside biodiversity net gain, it allows us to assess the impact our masterplan has on the benefits the natural environment provides, but crucially to give us the opportunity to enhance these benefits with changes to our masterplan designs. 

We have conducted a natural capital assessment of the proposed development. It has concluded that our proposed masterplan design proposals can deliver a ‘natural capital net gain’. This is because our proposals have been shown to improve access to natural greenspace, increased local climate, air pollution and noise regulation, water quality regulation, carbon capture, and timber production value. These are a result of enhancing areas of woodland and incorporating street trees and other planting throughout the design. The assessment recommended adding a playground, which would add recreational value and contribute to public health, as well as planting native trees to improve biodiversity value. We have taken this on board in our detailed phase 1 designs.  


Sustainable Living  

Drainage and Flood risk  

The site is almost entirely within Flood Zone 1, meaning that the majority of the land has a low probability of flooding.  

The site contains a number of existing natural water features. The masterplan proposes that these will be retained and improved across the site as part of a Sustainable Drainage Scheme (SuDS). This will:  

  • Respect the natural drainage pattern, to mitigate flood risk both on and off site;  
  • Enhance the landscape setting and ecological value of the open spaces within the development.  


Air Quality  

The site lies to the north and west of the Air Quality Management Area (AQMA) associated with the A580 East Lancashire Road and M60.  

An Air Quality Assessment has been undertaken. The Assessment has found that the local air quality impact of emissions from traffic associated with the proposed development on the surrounding road network is expected to be negligible during construction and following completion. As a result, mitigation measures will not be required as part of the development.

The public transport and accessibility strategy for the site will provide access to a range of sustainable transport modes, reducing reliance on private cars and the amount of traffic using the A580, which will further help protect air quality in the local area.


There are no significant noise constraints which prevent the development from coming forward for new homes. Where required, mitigation measures will include acoustic fences within some locations to further reduce the noise levels for future residents and users of the site and a landscape buffer along the A580 will provide some mitigation from traffic noise.  

Heritage and Archaeology  

A heritage report has been prepared. The site does not contain any designated built heritage assets and no further archaeological investigations are required. During construction, should any features of potential significance be found, work will cease to allow for a full investigation.


The site is immediately adjacent to a long-standing developed area where a range of services are available. This includes water, gas and electricity, alongside telecommunications infrastructure. A number of power lines cross the Site, providing power to existing dwellings.  

The development can therefore be connected to key utilities and any upgrades required to accommodate the proposed development can be made alongside its delivery. 


Virtual Exhibition


Thank you for your interest in the Hazelhurst Farm consultation. The consultation has now closed. The consultation ran from Tuesday 24th May until Tuesday 14th June 2022.  

About Peel L&P

Peel L&P is an ambitious regeneration business which owns and manages 12 million sq ft of property and 20,000 acres of land and water across the UK, with a total portfolio value of over £2.5 billion.

Established in 1972, it has generations of history, heritage and expertise and is responsible for some of the most transformational projects in the country including The Trafford Centre, Peel Waters’ MediaCity and Peel NRE’s Protos energy and resource hub in Cheshire.

Other Peel Waters regeneration sites include Liverpool Waters, Wirral Waters, Trafford Waters, Manchester Waters, Glasgow Waters and Chatham Waters with a development pipeline of around 30,000 homes, 10 million sq ft of commercial space and circa 160 acres of public realm over the next 20 to 25 years.

As part of The Peel Group, it strives to make a positive impact on people’s lives and is a key partner in helping central and local Government tackle unemployment, reach net zero carbon targets, solve the housing crisis and level-up the country’s regions to improve the prosperity, climate resilience and health and wellbeing of communities.

Peel L&P has accelerated its action towards addressing climate change and biodiversity loss, and its five-year sustainability plan is aligned to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. It was also the first company in the UK to third party verify buildings as net zero carbon, as defined by the UK Green Building Council.

Peel L&P’s specialisms include large-scale mixed-use regeneration schemes, residential, retail, industrial and logistics, hospitality & leisure, and low carbon energy development.

We see possibility. We deliver transformation.

More information at www.peellandp.co.uk or follow us on Twitter @PeelLandP and LinkedIn

Contact Us

If you have any questions or would like further information, please do not hesitate to get in touch with a member of the team using the details below: